About Joder

The Journalist for Democratic Rights (JODER) is an N.G.O. which is a member of Human Rights Information Network (HURINET) coordinated by the British Council , that deals with tackling injustice and freedom of journalism globally.

It was established IN 1996, as a rallying point for progressive Nigerian Journalists and the radical media. JODER played a crucial role in the campaign against military rule, as a member of the United Action for Democracy, UAD and the Joint Action Committee of Nigeria, JACON. JODER members were on the hunt list of the repressive military regimes of years due to their unique roles in the campaign for democracy and liberty


To promote and defend free speech  through the lips and the pen, even when our lives are at risk


A world order where the freedom of speech and the pen are dignified than any other weapon of human expression


  • Defense of liberty, human rights and press freedom
  • Creating human rights awareness, especially in respect of the press
  • Campaigning against human rights abuses, especially in respect of the press.
  • Campaigning against dictatorship and taking actions in defense of basic democratic rights.
  • Providing a platform for the unheard voices and marginalized or vulnerable groups like women, indigenous communities, children and poor communities.
  • Promote vulnerable community’s access to essentials of live like education, shelter, water and other basic livelihood resources
  • Research and documentation of human rights especially in respect of the press.
  • Promote gender equity and the rights of women
  • Linking up with local and international journalists, writers and human rights groups and seeking their cooperation towards the realization of the ideals of the association.
  • Training of media practitioners on human rights reporting and democratic sustainability.
  • Advance equity and freedom for indigenous  and disadvantaged communities.
  • Protect fair trade and reject policies that undermine the economic and social liberties of the people especially in poor and disadvantaged communities, both at the local, national and international levels.

The Journalist for Democratic Rights (JODER) is a member of Human Rights Information Network (HURINET) coordinated by the British Council , a member of the United Action For Democracy (UAD) and the Media for Democracy Project, MFD established with the support of the Belgium based International Federation of Journalists, IFJ.

JODER has an Executive Council which is led by the Executive Director. The management team is next to the Executive Council. Next in line is the Board of Directors made up of prominent media practitioners in Nigeria. JODER began with 9-member National Advisory Council (NAC) members made up of notable Nigerian professionals like Chief Gani Fawehinmi (late), leader of JACON, Mr Douglas Oronto (late) official of the Friends of the Earth, FoE in Nigeria, Mrs. Ayo Obe, President, Civil Liberties Organisation, CLO, Mr. NosaIgiebor, Publisher of TELL Magazine, Mr. Dapo Olorunyomi, Co-founder of Independent Communication, Publisher of the News/Tempo and PM News, worked for  Panos Institute,  in the United States and latter Country Director, Freedom House, Nigeria.